Frequently Questions

What is BitKOIN?
BitKOIN is a revolutionary memecoin built on the Koinos blockchain, offering a fair launch, zero gas fees, and a vibrant community.
How can I buy BitKOIN?
You can purchase BitKOIN by acquiring NFTs on from the "BitKOIN NFT collection".
Once you buy an NFT, the BitKOIN tokens will be transferred to that wallet within 24 hours.
The NFT will be disabled after.
What does BitKOIN bring new in the blockchain space?
BitKOIN introduced a groundbreaking launch method using burnable NFTs, setting a new standard in the blockchain space. This fair-launched memecoin has zero gas fees, allowing cost-free transfers and transactions, all thanks to the innovative Koinos blockchain.
What does zero-gas-fees mean?
Zero-gas-fees mean that BitKOIN transactions are entirely free. You can transfer tokens between wallets, make purchases, and engage in BitKOIN transactions without incurring any fees. This is made possible by the advanced capabilities of the Koinos blockchain.
Is BitKOIN listed on any exchanges?
Yes, BitKOIN is listed on the KoinDX decentralized exchange (DEX).
You can trade BitKOIN with ease on the platform.
What is the total supply of BitKOIN tokens?
BitKOIN has a total supply of 21 million tokens, emphasizing scarcity and value.
What is the split between holders and owners?
BitKOIN has a unique, fair and decentralized distribution model.
100% of the tokens are allocated to holders, fostering a community-driven ecosystem, while 0% is reserved for owners.
How can I store BitKOIN tokens?
BitKOIN is natively supported on the Konio wallet.
You can also use Kondor wallet but you will need to further connect on KoinDX to see your BitKOIN tokens.
You can securely store and manage your BitKOIN tokens on this wallet.
What is the BitKOIN's goal?
BitKOIN aims to be one of the first fair-launched zero-gas-fee memecoins that can seamlessly integrate into any payment system without incurring transaction fees. It serves as a powerful showcase of Koinos' capabilities, highlighting how tokens can be launched with zero cost, avoiding the high fees associated with ERC-20 tokens. The goal is to raise awareness and provide a practical example of feeless transactions in the blockchain space.
Is there a roadmap for BitKOIN's future developments?
Yes, stay tuned for our roadmap updates. We have exciting plans for BitKOIN's future, including potential listings on more exchanges.
Will there be future airdrops or events for BitKOIN holders?
Keep an eye on our official X (ex-Twitter) for announcements regarding airdrops, events, and exciting opportunities for BitKOIN holders.

Innovating the future of meme crypto, one transaction at a time, with no gas fee!
Built on the $KOIN! 
Not affiliated with  Bitcoin. 

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